Be like bro Wiki

The Multiverse Theory is a theory proposed by /u/Spingebill_1812[1] which would explain Weed Bro's multitude of deaths. The Complete text goes as follows:

"I theorize that there is a potentially infinite amount of universes and Cybers that exist, a multiverse of alternate realities, if you will. That would explain contradictions in the lore, like how Weedbro has died multiple times, and how he gains shape-shifting abilities in some comics. The current canon universe is Cyber-1, and is portrayed through the Be Like Bro online pages, and it is the Cyber we mostly study. In this universe, I believe Sarcastic Bro is actually the son of the weird gray-dressed puffy-haired girl that we see in such comics as “son I would like to meet your girlfriend.” However in alternate realities from different Facebook and Instagram pages. For example, Cyber-2, where Breen and Sarcastic Bro are brothers. There is also a Tina-based universe, Cyber-3, where Tina constantly trolls everyone, and takes on Weedbro’s role, while Bro is given the side-role as the recipient of the epic trolls, like in the comic where he turns into a donkey. This theory would mean that no comic is non-canon, but canon to another alternate Cyber. But hey, that’s just a theory, a COMEDY CEMERY THEORY, thanks for watching! I’ll do more research and update you as this develops."


This list is a merger of Spingebill's and Koopinator's research.

Cyber-0 "The Void"[]

The Void is a special cybernetic universe, Which serves as a special prison for any Cybernetic Deity. After being defeated in the Funwaa-Gumwaa war, Gumwaa was exiled here. If the Multiverse theory is true, Then that would mean that there are multiple Funwaas and Gumwaas, And that every cyber begins with a war between Funwaa and Gumwaa.

Cyber-1 "Main Universe"[]

Cyber-1 is the main Cyber, Where Funwaa reigns and Weed Bro and Sarcastic Bro are not brothers.

Cyber-2 "Sarcastic Brother"[]

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A comic set in Cyber-2

Cyber-2 is an alternate Cyber, Where Sarcastic Bro is the son of Weed Bro's Father, And subsequently the brother of Weed Bro.

Cyber-3 "Tina Trolls"[]

Cyber-3 is the Tina Trolls universe, Where Tina constantly trolls everyone, And Weed Bro is merely a side character.

Cyber-4 "World of Productiveness"[]

Cyber-4 is an additional world proposed by /u/Koopinator2, Which features Alternate Reality Weed Dude. In this Cyber, Everyone has an inherent desire to be productive, And when they're bored, They'll automatically start working hard, And trying to enjoy live rather than working hard is something admirable that not everyone is able to do. People want to be happy, But procrastinate from this goal by working hard instead.

Cyber-5 "Weedbro Chronicles"[]

Weedbro Chronicles is an Alternate Universe where S.C.H.O.O.L. is founded in January 1982 instead of the Early 2010s, Which is also part of /u/Koopinator2's extended multiverse theory.

Cyber-6 "The Tale of Weedbro Aquilius IV"[]

The Tale of Weedbro Aquilius IV is another alternate universe in /u/Koopinator2's extended multiverse theory.

Cyber-Infinity "Cybernetic Heaven"[]

Cybernetic Heaven is the final cyber, And the cybernetic afterlife where any being from Cyber-1 to Cyber-6 will go upon death. In heaven Weed Bro and armless bro of Earth 1 are close friends and weed bro seems to be a nice guy who will do anything for armless bro

See also[]

